Graphic Design – Comparison Report

This post is a little different than the others as I want to show you an infographic that I created showing the difference between San Jose, Sacramento and San Francisco in how much money graphic designers make. You can see how San Jose has a higher rate than the other places and is followed, surprisingly, by Sacramento. The reason why San Jose is at the top is that of course, it has the most companies. However, it is not all. If you scroll down there are more info about graphic designer’s job openings and the steps to be a good designer. 

As technology advances more openings we will have.  In fact, it is projected that in 2020 there will be an increase of 16.09% of job openings compared to 2010. There are some easy steps to became a successful graphic designer. As you can read below you will need to build your skills in high school, earn a degree in graphic design, create a good portfolio, stay up to date, complete an internship and after you will find a good job go ahead and study for those masters that will help you have a higher pay.

Graphic Design, Sabrina Caminiti 2017 (c)